I believe that systems beat goals and habits beat checklists. In order to incorporate personal finance consistently into my process, I’ve used a few techniques. One of those is to turn the activities into habits. The other is to tack those onto already existing habits I already perform regularly. … [Read more...] about My Personal Finance Habits and Process
Getting Started
Financial Planning Continuous Improvement
In my opinion, personal finance isn’t something that you do for a few weeks, months or years until you’re financially well off – and then stop. To be truly successful at building wealth, it needs to become a lifestyle. Something you just do. Like breathing. Yes, for most, there will be a paradigm shift as they first begin to learn the core principles of finance. However, at … [Read more...] about Financial Planning Continuous Improvement
Eleven Elementary Rules of Personal Finance
I like principles. I like rules. I don't always follow them, mind you! And I certainly know when to purposely break them, in order to get where I need to be, or do what I need to do. However, I like getting knowledge that has been 'tested' out by people who came before me. Knowledge transferred saves me having to learn lessons the hard way. As far as I can tell, these are some … [Read more...] about Eleven Elementary Rules of Personal Finance
Seven Stages of Wealth Building
One of the biggest problems I had when I was first starting my personal finance journey was figuring out what were 'reasonable' targets. I wanted a more definitive set of targets to strive for that also had a basis in real changes to one’s quality of life, stage of living, wealth position, etc. I wanted these targets to be... … [Read more...] about Seven Stages of Wealth Building
Net Worth Components
Breaking out your net worth into short-term vs. long-term components You can break out assets and liabilities into short term/liquid and long term/non-liquid. This allows you to differentiate between assets that could be accessed quickly and without penalty (market or regulation) and those longer-term assets where we would pay a price penalty to convert them to cash … [Read more...] about Net Worth Components
How to Calculate your Net Worth
Wealth and Net Worth, for all intents and purposes, are synonymous. In personal finance, it is the single most important metric to track. It is the yardstick by which we measure our progress. … [Read more...] about How to Calculate your Net Worth
Personal Finance in 100 Words
Part of the reason I’ve taken on this project is to try and distill the seemingly endless amount of information available on this topic into the essential as distinguished from the non-essential. To select the advice that is fundamental and indispensable to wealth creation and then expound on that information to develop a repeatable path applicable to anyone. … [Read more...] about Personal Finance in 100 Words
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