Eight Income Streams of Wealth Generation
The IRS breaks income into three types – earned, portfolio and passive. However, that is too simplistic for our purposes. If broken…
Basic Math: Trim Mean Average
A trimmed mean is a system of averaging numbers where a certain percentage of the smallest and largest values are excluded prior…
Financial Planning Continuous Improvement
In my opinion, personal finance isn’t something that you do for a few weeks, months or years until you’re financially well off – and then stop. To be truly successful at building wealth, it needs to become a lifestyle. Something you just do. Like breathing.
Yes, for most, there will be a paradigm shift as they first begin to learn the core principles of finance. However, at a certain point, you will achieve an equilibrium or plateau. Following the blueprint means you should be striving to constantly improve. Small changes. Continuously and consistently. This is what that process looks like.
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